The whole time I have been teaching I have also been working with the youth group at Emmanuel Free Lutheran and serving the community in various ways, and the Lord has led me to stay in Eagle Butte and keep doing all of that. I have committed to stay here in EB for at least one year, just working with local churches, pastors, and ministries. My friend and prayer partner Madison has come alongside me, inviting me to stay in her home rent-free and supporting me in many ways. Pastor Ben Farrar at First Baptist and Pastor Mark Richardson at Emmanuel Free Lutheran have been very supportive as well, and I am excited to help them in their ministries.
I am hoping to raise $1500 a month for living and ministry expenses, and a team is surrounding me to pray for me. I need prayer so much, as I know I will be facing challenges I can't even begin to anticipate during this year of ministry. If you want to get email updates, please send me your address, and if you want to hear more, message me or give me a call. I love Eagle Butte so much and am thankful that God isn't calling me to leave here yet!